Marine Cathodic Protection Systems

At MVA we specialize in anode refurbishment and replacement in shipping, offshore and industrial Cathodic Protection Systems.

Systems catered for include both Impressed Current and Sacrificial Anodes, electrolytic cells and Hychlorators.

A vessels cathodic protection system consists of a Marine Corrosion Prevention component, which is of vital importance to the life of a vessel's hull, whilst an Electrochlorination component provides important suppression of marine growth and fouling in sea water cooling systems and other seawater based systems.

Electrochlorination systems aren't just limited to shipping, but have numerous other industrial applications, such as:

  • Off-shore oil rigs
  • Power stations
  • Water purification plants
  • Food and beverage processing, and many more...

 If the anode components of these cathodic protection systems aren't routinely refurbished or replaced, then heavy maintenance and repair costs will ensue due to damage caused by the failure of these protection systems.


We strive to provide organisations with a cost-effective alternative for replacement or refurbishment of original cathodic protection system anodes with a faster turnaround time and at least original quality.

If you would like to contact us, or require further information, please follow the links on the sidebar to the right.






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